Monday, December 5, 2011

My weekend

My weekend was a fun weekend. Why? Because i hung out with my twin, Christian. I went to his house but he wasn't there, so i went his friend dayday's house. But, again, he wasn't there either. So, i asked his friend dayday to call him. He did and my twin picked up the phone. When i got on the phone he said that he was at the train station. I asked, "why are you at the train station." He said that he was going to call me back but he never did. So, i told my twin's friend dayday that he said that he was going to call me back. He said, "okay," Then we went next door and we was waiting for my twin to come but he wasn't coming no time soon.. We smoked without him and  then after that i was too smacked. I went to sleep and when i woke up my twin was there he was asking me if i was okay and i was like, "twin i'm tired." then he said okay come on so we went back next door to dayday's house and i went right back to sleep. My twin kept on trying to wake me up so i could go home and my twin friend dayday was telling him that i can't go home all smacked because he didn't want my mother to say anything. So, he said just let me rest for a while and i'll be ready to get up and walk home so my twin let me sleep. Then my twin woke me up and he was like come on twin you ready i said no wake me up in 35 minutes he was like okay then he woke me up and said am i ready i said yeah i'm ready so i picked up my jacket and then me and my twin left and he walked me half way home. Then when i got home i said hi to my mother even tho i was smacked. She said hi back and she said that my girlfriend called. I asked, "she did?" My mother said yeah then i asked her for her phone. Then she gave me her phone. Then i called my girlfriend but she didn't pick so i texted her she texted back and said she sorry that she didn't pick up the phone. She just woke up then. I said it's okay she asked me what was i doing and i said nothing i just got home. she was like, "oh did i have fun with my twin?" i said no because he came after i smoked then she oh wow then i said yeah but then i asked her how was night she said the regular shit, smoke, chilled outside, then smoked again then went home. Then she waited for me to come home so she could hear my voice to see if i was okay.  In the end, my weekend was a good weekend.

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