Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

My thanksgiving weekend when good. i helped my mother cook some of the food. We made rice, chicken, candy yams, turkey, baked mac and cheese, cabbage, and blueberry cornbread. We had a lot of food. My family came over we had a big table full of food, but before we eat the food we prayed and said what was we thankful for. Then, we prayed again for my grandmother that had passed away. After we prayed for my grandmother, me and my sister had a fight because she thought she was tuff trying to show off in front of her babyfather.  So, i put that chick in check.  After that my girlfriend came because i called her to let her know that if my sister get out of line just to let me know. She said, "okay." But, then after my girlfriend came to my house she said hi to my family and sat down and i made her a plate of the food that me and my mother had made.  She said that it was good. then it was time for the cakes and pie that my mother and cousin had baked. so my family loved the food and the pastrys. then we played games  my mother and my brothers and my mother friends was playing spades while me and my girlfriend and my cousins played the Xbox 360. Then, me and my girlfriend left to go out to the movies to go see twilight. The movie was great. After the movies me and my girlfriend meet up with our friend nick and his girlfriend to go smoke.  After we smoked we went to central park as a couple and walked around and hung out. My thanksgiving weekend went great for me and my girlfriend and my family. i wonder what thanksgiving is going to look like next year!

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