Thursday, December 22, 2011

How Do I Feel About My Project ?

I feel that my project wasn't that bad like it was hard at first but i got it down pack. I know i'm still going to have problems with making the essay even if we don't have to write that much but, i still like to write a lot because it will help me write more like a book it will really help me out to keep on writing and moving forward. One day when i'm siting home not doing nothing i'ma write a story about my childhood until now its going to come out real nice how do i know because, i know when i write about my childhood its going to be interesting to the reader's that will read my book. My childhood was no joke because i got taken away from my mother when i was only 1 years old when i seen my birth mother after 7 months after my birthday she had told me i was mad when she told me but then again i was happy. But then i was got over it because  i was a baby and my mother is still have my love unlike my brothers and sisters but yeah my project wasn't that hard at all for me

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