Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Can See This Year Christmas Is Gonna SUCK

You Walk Away From The People That Turn Against You

This year christmas is gonna suck really bad like i'm going to get what i want but i'm not gonna get what i really want i want to get my phone thats not going to be fear if my sister get her phone and i don't. Like if i had a choice to choose between my christmas stuff that my mother brought for me for my phone i would choose my phone because it really wouldn't matter to be if i don't get nothing for christmas just my phone i would be happy because to me my phone would be important to me i wouldn't let it out of my eye sight. I really want my phone like i would tell my mother i don't want nothing for christmas just my phone and if i'm lucky enough she would give me my phone but she already got my polo boots and my pee coat and the extra stuff she got for me. But thats not the point okay i know i should be happy for what my mother going to give me for christmas its christmas but i really want my phone like i really hope she change her mind because she said "Maria you not getting your phone for christmas because what i did was wrong." I keep telling her that i didn't do it she then said "But Daquan said that he seen you do it ." But thing is it wouldn't be christmas if every kid in the world is not happy thats why they have christmas because the kids and adults don't know whats under their tree wrapped with pretty wrapping papers the only thing is that they know its theirs because their names is on it they don't know what it is or what it does or how it look or feel. I swear if i don't get my phone i'm going to REGRET calling my mother MOM because she knows i really wanted my phone its gonna really be a wake christmas and i won't be happy and if i don't get it i'm going to change my whole ATTITUDE towards her because its really FUCKED UP how she gonna do something thats really important to me.

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