Monday, January 23, 2012

My Weekend

My weekend went great i went to my cousin best friend baby shower it was so beautiful she was crying because she was happy that we was all their to show her love. Then after the baby shower my girlfriend called me to chill so i went to her house and we was playing Ps3 she thought she was beating me in the new game MW3 we both laughed at each other. Then after we started play fighting i took her pillow and started beating her with it. It was so funny because she was laughing and i was laughing but she couldn't stop laughing she was laughing mad hard. Then my main came in the room, and started helping me beat up her aunt. After that we went to the store to go get some junk food so we could take pictures of the chips, candy, juice, cakes, seeds, and stuff that we don't like just to put it on Facebook. However,  i don't know how but me and my girlfriend was looking for my main in the house, and when i say we looked for her like we could find her, so then i walked in my girlfriend mother room and i found my main she was sleeping like an angel lol. So me and my girlfriend went in her room closed the door and watched movies. Then we both fell asleep. Then my girlfriend mother came in the house and i guess she was like where was we at so she went to her room and found her granddaughter in her bed sleep after she came in my girlfriend room and seen we was sleep so she ain't wake up nobody she just left us sleeping. Finally, the next day i woke up and walked around my girlfriend house to see who was up nobody was up so, i started to cook breakfast for the whole house when i was cooking the eggs, bacon, sauage, toast, grits, Then my girlfriend came in the kitchen and said "Good Morning" and gave me a kiss on my cheek and i said "Who Woke You Up ?" she said " I Turned Over To Cuddle Up With You, But You Wasn't There So, I Got Up To See If You Left But, You Right Here Cooking Lol" i said "Oh" then she said "Remember I Don't Eat Eggs" i said "Yeah I Know You Don't Eggs" so i made her cheese and bacon that's her favorite breakfast that i make her. Then i told my girlfriend to go wake up everybody so they can come and eat. We all sat at the kitchen table and we all enjoy the breakfast that i made for us, after we ate breakfast we got ready to take a shower and start our day, i went downstairs to my house and took a shower. Then came back to my girlfriend house and brought my outfit to her house so i could change my clothes to go outside when we get ready so my girlfriend got mad for some reason i said "Babe What's Wrong Are You Okay ?" she said "No I'm Not Okay!!" then i said "What's Wrong Tell Me What's Wrong" she said "This Bitch Got Me Mad" i said "WHO? !!!" she said "Nick Mother She Won't Give Him The Phone!!" i said "Don't Stress It You Know He's Going To Come To The Vill" then she said "Okay" then we layed down in her bed and watched T.V then we took a nap then my girlfriend niece came in her room and woke us up so we got up then got dress to go outside. We all left my girlfriend house and went our separated ways and did what we did then we came back to my girlfriend house and stayed in the house. That's how my weekend went

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