Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Year in Review

1. How did you feel about my class?

I like your class because, when I'm in your class you teach us something new about using the computer that we never knew about with computers.

2. What would you like to see change/ stay the same?

I would like to keep doing blogs everyday or making imovies because, those was the good time I was doing good and, passing your classes but when we doing something new it confuses me and I get mad and, some walk out of class.

3. What can I do to be a better ?

You don't have to do anything just be yourself because if you think you a good teacher don't change your ways just because the students is going to get mad at you; I'm just saying but yeah just be yourself don't change yourself because you would get sick of it just to make the students do their best in class. I know because I seen it happened with my old teacher in my old school.

Next year , Mr. Keegan should.......

Do good and not change his ways for nobody just to be hisself.

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