Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

What is Valentine's Day? Is it a holiday that people show love to their lovemate? Or, is it about loving their lovemate?

Well, i think it's about when people go out and show their lovemate how much they love them and how much they care about their lovemate. I think it's sweet that they love the person they are with.  Take me for example, I love my girlfriend with all my heart. I will give her my heart no matter what.  If I would of died tomorrow I would want my girlfriend to find another girl that will treat her right like she treats me. I just don't want her to find a girl that will do her dirty because I learned from my mistakes. I didn't want to do it to her because I didn't know she loved me that much. she said that it don't matter what I did to her. It's just that she wants me to express my feelings more to her so she could know how I really feel about her.  I would do it because I want her to know that I will never hurt her anymore. i'm done hurting her. It  doesn't make any sense how she could express her feelings to me but I can't express my feelings to her. I think when we get together I will do it so it will make her feel better. But expressing my feelings is a hard thing for me to do. I'm going to express my feelings to her but i'm going to need help with it.

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